Lightning strike claims a live of Mangusuthu University of Technology student

By: Simon Majadibodu 

A third year student at Mangusuthu University of Technology (MUT) has passed away after being struck by lightning. Photo: Pixaby

Mangusuthu University of Technology (MUT) has confirmed the passing of a student, who was struck by lightning.

Mpumezi Mndwetywa was asleep in his room at the external university residence in Glenwood, when he was struck by a bolt of lightning.

According to the statement released by the university, the incident occurred on November 17.

The official statement released by MUT confirming the passing of its student. Photo: Facebook / Mangusuthu University of Technology 

The third year student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering succumbed to severe burns.

“Sadly, Mr Mndwetywa was asleep in his room when it was struck by a bolt of lightning,” Dr Thembi Kweyama, the Dean of Students said.

“We pray that his soul rests in peace.”

Mangusuthu University of Technology (MUT) has confirmed the passing of a third year student after being struck by lightning. Photo: Internet 

The institution said that some of the rooms on the third floor of the residence also caught fire.

Kweyama further added that the institution will provide counselling to students who have been affected badly by the incident. 


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