Hulisani Ravele bids farewell to 947

By: Simon Majadibodu

Hulisani Ravele bids farewell to 947. Photo: Instagram / @hulisaniravele

Popular radio personality will today hang up her microphone as she takes a sabbatical from the airwaves and television screens.

Hulisani Ravele has decided to take a well-deserved break from the airwaves after a fantastic five-year stint at Primedia's 947. 

Ravele has been known as one of South Africa's most cherished personalities, and has been an inseparable part of the local media landscape, captivating audiences with her charm and wit.

She took to her Instagram account to announce her departure in a statement from the entertainment industry, on August 24.

Popular media personality, Hulisani Ravele announces her departure from the entertainment industry. Photo: Instagram / @hulisaniravele

Ravele’s departure from the station marks a poignant turning point in her career, as she takes a hiatus from media to embrace stillness, introspection, and the pursuit of new opportunities.

See her post:

Hulisani Ravele takes a sabbatical from the airwaves and televisions screens. Photo: Instagram / @hulisaniravele

"I am immensely grateful for the love and support | have received from my followers and the industry. Making it onto the 947 line-up has been an absolute dream come true. To anchor and deliver an entertaining and wholesome show to such a diverse and multicultural audience, and to play a part in the station surpassing the 1 million mark for P7D listenership, and being able to maintain that position, are both remarkable achievements | hold dear,” reads the statement from her Instagram post.

She added , “This break is not just a pause, but an opportunity for me to delve into new experiences and discover what the future holds. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me."

Media personality, Hulisani Ravele will broadcast her final show on 947 today. Photo: Instagram / @hulisaniravele

Her final broadcast on 947 will be on Saturday 30 September 2023.  The star will be highly missed with her mellifluous voice on the radio where she has shared her passion and talent with an ever-growing fanbase.


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