Graduate sells chips to make a living

By : Simon Majadibodu
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Twitter : @Majadibodu Simon

 Wilson Nkhumane a 27 year-old graduate. Photo: Facebook

“It has always been my dream to be a businessman, but, I totally never  imagined myself selling chips”, stated Wilson Nkhumane a 27 year-old who hails from Mokopane, at Lesodi Motlana  village.

Wilson studied Mechanical engineering [ fitting and turning], from Capricorn college for TVET, and has been struggling to find employment after graduating in 2018.

For him to achieve what he wants, he had to start somewhere. For the fact that, he is still in the journey to get where he wants, with or without qualifications, he had to come up with something instead of waiting to get the job of his dreams

Delicious chips sold by Wilson Nkhumane. Photo: Facebook
 He was inspired by President Cyril Ramaphosa’s SONA speech, when he mentioned a success story of Thando Makhubo, who saved his R350 of social relief distress grant to start a gourmet ice cream business, in Soweto. 

“Meanwhile, waiting for my career to kick-start, since jobs are scarce and the unemployment rate keeps skyrocketing, I came up with an idea of starting a business with small equipments that I have”, said Wilson.

 Life has never been easy for him after graduating. As he has been looking for a job without no headway then, he resorted to selling chips.


He then started saving the social relief distress grant [R350], for two months for him to be able to purchase a Fryer machine.


Fruits of the business's labour. Photo: Facebook

The support he got from his community amazed him and was overwhelming. Within a period of three months he managed to purchase a Popcorn machine, which was a huge achievement for him.

When asked about starting his business, he said that he had something in his mind that told him to do something, that will in turn put food on his table, and he started selling chips. Even though after graduating he never imagined himself selling chips, but he soldiered on.

His main aim in the next coming five years is to expand his business and to start selling “kotas” [ bunny chows ], do free deliveries in neighboring communities  and buy bicycles and use them as a form of  transportation.


Photo from Facebook :
Wilson at Lesodi Motlana sports ground selling chips
One of his loyal customers, Constance Matlou with a smile on her face said “she feels so comfortable being served by him, he is very gentle with customers and the chips are mouth watering, delicious and licking her fingers craving for more”.

 “The chips are clean, well cooked and delicious to a point where you feel like buying them again”, said Kamogelo Thubakgale, another customer.

Besides Wilson selling chips  each and every day, he believes in giving back to the community. He is now currently with starting a Football club to assist youngsters in his community to showcase their  talents.

Wilson calls on the unemployed graduates to never undermine humble beginnings and to create jobs for them instead, they should use all the available resources to create jobs for themselves and make a living.


“I would like to urge all the unemployed graduate to not wait for government to create jobs for them or their ideal jobs to start making a living. Make use of available resources you have in place to earn a living". he concluded.

Listen to Wilson Nkhumane Elaborates about starting a business .mp3 by Simon on #SoundCloud


  1. I wholeheartedly admire what you just did for me my guy, puting my biography out to the world to see/read about. Shout-out to you my bro, you're marvelous 🔥🔥♥️♥️

  2. May God bless Willy...His a Hustle ✊

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thats very impressive keep going
    may god bless him❤️❤️

  5. Wow wow it's very encouraging 😊😊😊

  6. Hard work pays. Picking up anything that makes a living is better than sitting with profession. Nice move Willy.


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