Kgati: Skipping rope is a fun activity

By : Simon Majadibodu Twitter : @Majadibodu Simon Email : Photo from internet : A jump rope tool used in a game of skipping rope Kgati is a well-known activity that has been around for generations and is still popular and relevant today. Aside from it being one of the simplest activity for kids that only requires a jump rope available at home, it is interesting and fun. Being a popular game across South Africa, it is known in different languages as Ntimo or Ugqaphu. Kgati is a game that requires fitness, coordination and a melodious singing voice. The game used to be played by girls, but now it has become attractive to male players too. It is played by two players, they hold the rope on each end, while the third player skips in different ways whilst singing. A player jumps the rope in any order according to the rhythm of the game they are playing, but elimination takes place if the rope is entangled. The are many variatio...